Victim to Victim Retreats
Our next Victim to Victim Retreat will be back in the Outer Banks from March 29 – April 2, 2025, in a new location in Corolla, NC.
There is NO charge to attend. You must be a female victim of some type of sexual assault. Transportation is up to you, however, we can arrange to pick you up from the airport. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email at [email protected] or call 757-220-6759.
While there is NO charge to attend either retreat, we will need an application completed, and a referral from either your counselor, therapist, mentor, pastor, etc. stating that they feel you are mentally and emotionally able to attend the retreat. We also require a FULLY REFUNDABLE $100 deposit to hold your spot at the retreat as we only accept 6 women at each one. The deposit is returned to you on the last day of the retreat before you leave.

Retreat History
H-E-A-R-T’s Victim To Victim Retreats have become one of the core programs of the organization. Several years ago Debbie Smith was led to plan and offer retreats for victims of sexual assault to encourage them on their path to healing and to speak out about their experiences, ultimately to help other victims. A steering committee was selected to meet on a monthly basis, which they did for a period of three years, to develop the retreat guidelines and teaching curriculum. The core teaching was refined, adding activities and games to enhance each segment of the curriculum.
Participants in the retreat must have the recommendation of their counselor and for each three team members (victims), there is a coach to work more closely with them daily to process the teaching, process journal writing activities, and to follow up with them on a regular basis after the initial phase of the retreat.
Retreat Phases
Phase One
The team members arrive on Wednesday and stay together through Sunday afternoon.
Phase Two
Five to six months later a one-day session is planned where team members bring a significant other (safety) for training to enable them to be the best support to walk with the victim through her healing process.
Phase Three
The final formal time together is a one-day reflection and challenge session.
Retreats are held two times per year: one in March and one in November.

I discovered that being a victim to a sexual assault did not have to ruin my life. I was able to talk to others and for the first time actually express what the assault had taken from my life. The retreat atmosphere made it easy to express my feelings without having to be scared of judgment. The staff was always there for me and now so are all the other victim to victim retreat attendees. I have not only learned to be part of my own family again by learning new communication skills but I have gained a new family of survivors.
Retreat Testimonials
I just wanted to say that the experience from the retreat has begun to give me more back than I can ever repay. I could not have taken this trip if I wouldn’t have taken the steps to be free from the events of my past that I let keep me trapped as a prisoner within myself. I have begun to truly let go and to forgive. These are things that I could not have done without your help. The healing after the retreat took me a while to get on my feet but I am moving forward with strength and grace and I owe a lot if that to you. Thank you so much for your help and guidance. I feel loved and blessed to have you in my life.
Love Always,
The retreat was beneficial because of the emotional support of Debbie who is a survivor. The way she led the retreat and planned out each step of the curriculum made it a safe place to share and participate in. If it wasn’t for the retreat I would not be in the place of my recovery that I am in, which is reaching out to make new friends instead of living in isolated victimhood. She taught me that reaching out to other women helps you in your own recovery. I was reached out to at the retreat and now I am doing the reaching out.
Visit this page for testimonials of participants. Tori Lane, a participant in the first retreat, has graciously consented to having her “Speaking Out” as shared through The Fusion Project to be linked to this Web site. Read Tori’s beautiful insightful writings at Other retreat participants volunteer to help with golf tournaments, fund raising, Web site development, and future retreats, anxious to pay it forward to help other women who are victims of sexual assault.
Wow, where to start, my experience at the retreat was truly a tranquil and beautifully presented experience. The many planned events and little comforts were truly needed and appreciated. The many hours the volunteers prepared and provided much more than a service, they were truly a family of caring people. Changed me forever, I feel so connected to life through forgiveness. God bless and please support this cause.
V2V Retreat 2013
I just wanted to say that the experience from the retreat has begun to give me more back than I can ever repay. I could not have taken this trip if I wouldn’t have taken the steps to be free from the events of my past that I let keep me trapped as a prisoner within myself. I have begun to truly let go and to forgive. These are things that I could not have done without your help. The healing after the retreat took me a while to get on my feet but I am moving forward with strength and grace and I owe a lot if that to you. Thank you so much for your help and guidance. I feel loved and blessed to have you in my life.
Love Always,
The retreat was beneficial because of the emotional support of Debbie who is a survivor. The way she led the retreat and planned out each step of the curriculum made it a safe place to share and participate in. If it wasn’t for the retreat I would not be in the place of my recovery that I am in, which is reaching out to make new friends instead of living in isolated victimhood. She taught me that reaching out to other women helps you in your own recovery. I was reached out to at the retreat and now I am doing the reaching out.
I discovered that being a victim to a sexual assault did not have to ruin my life. I was able to talk to others and for the first time actually express what the assault had taken from my life. The retreat atmosphere made it easy to express my feelings without having to be scared of judgment. The staff was always there for me and now so are all the other victim to victim retreat attendees. I have not only learned to be part of my own family again by learning new communication skills but I have gained a new family of survivors.
“Feeling the healing, H-E-A-R-T, Inc. is a profound organization. A lot of thought and preparation went into the Victim 2 Victim Retreat that I attended last week. ( Oct. 31- Nov. 4, 2012). I have come away from the Victim 2 Victim Retreat feeling like a worthy, hopeful person with a family bond like no other. Thank you Rob and Debbie Smith and friends, new found family and SISTERS for making my journey to heal a successful one. May God continue to bless you in your efforts to help others. Thank you.
Ann Marie
“I have never felt freer than I have in the last month. A huge burden has been lifted. Your passion is such a blessing and I am so grateful that God allowed me to participate in the retreat. The teaching, conversations and crafts have been on my mind daily. My eyes, no my heart has been opened to accepting God’s word concerning the truth about my worth. Previously I had read these promises yet was unable to apply them to myself. I was not able to understand the problem, why not me??? I must just have been too awful, so many why questions. What a wonderful change on the healing path to realize they are truth for me and about me.
While there has been no “public” announcement made I have been open about the rape since the retreat. I feel as if I no longer have to live hiding behind the rape, I was the victim, a child, and it wasn’t my fault. What you, and all those involved, are doing as God’s servants via H-E-A-R-T is truly changing my heart. I would be lying if I said all the days were easy. However, I can say that all the days contain some hope and sense of worth.”
I am wholeheartedly thankful for all of the work and preparation that was put into this retreat. I cannot express in words how blessed I am to have had this experience. My intention in going was to find others to walk through this healing process with. I not only got just that, but so much more. The teaching was insightful. The crafts were meaningful. The discussion heartfelt and relationship building. The food was amazing! And I had a blast participating in the games and ice breakers! Although there was some hard work to be done, I believe you balanced that with just the right amount of downtime and fun. I think that every experience I had was used by God to inspire growth and healing. I would encourage anyone having gone through sexual abuse to attend this extremely well designed retreat.
Amazing things happen as women journey along their pathway to healing, equipped with solid teaching, encouragement and a support group of team members and coaches!
Retreat Application
- You must be referred by a therapist, counselor, pastor, etc. who will be available for follow-up.
- You must be willing to attend for the entire retreat due to its unique design.
- A $100 fully refundable deposit is required and will be returned the last day of the retreat.
- Return application and deposit via e-mail at [email protected] or mail to H-E-A-R-T, Inc., P. O. Box 1813, Williamsburg, VA 23187-1813. Additional questions, please call 757-220-6759.
* Participants in the retreat must have the recommendation of their counselor, mentor, pastor, etc., to attend the retreat. There will be two to three coaches there to work with attendees daily to process the teaching, process journal writing activities, and to follow up with them on a regular basis after the initial phase of the retreat.